

Here are some of the projects that ArtBloom as Christine Grek has worked on, either organising, curating, or painting herself. Click through for more information and photos. (We take a lot of photos.)

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IPAF TEpoztlan

Creating an urban art festival from scratch in the boho town of Tepoztlan, Mexico, with over 10 international and local artists bringing their art into the public space.

Live Painting with Pepe Zagal

Live Painting MUROS ALAMEDA PROJECT with Pepe Zagal at Zagal Factory Gallery in Mexico City.


Athens Street Art Festival

Christine designed and painted a mural as part of Athens Street Art Festival, bringing Mexican colours to an Athenian public school.

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Irini Metro Station Project

A mix of Greece and Mexico, and the realisation of Christine’s vision, with two local artists and two Mexican artists transforming the Irini metro station and morning commutes. In cooperation with the Mexican Embassy of Greece and Athens School of Fine Arts.


Flor de Navios

Supported the creation of the Flor de Navios sculpture by Mexican artist Libre by literally rolling up our sleeves and getting out hands dirty with sawdust, paint, and varnish.

Yoyo Objects

ArtBloom, as artist and as curator, brought colour to Ronda Senduka’s YOYO Objects benches.

Sar Floyd

Sar Floyd

IPAF MonTerrey & more

Christine collaborated with OSEL paint and international street art festivals such as IPAF Monterrey, Nueve Arte Urbano, Graffity World, and Central de Muros